It's a part of who I am...

Creating heirloom pieces at present - leaving my footprint behind, and perhaps a little something extra for my loved ones in the future

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here's An Interesting Little Tim - Bit!

I love Tim Hortons Coffee...don't we all? A large double-double to me ACTUALLY has the ability to save lives when encountering people on a day to day basis...
But can you imagine ordering a MILES instead of a TIMMIES?  That's right! Tim Horton's name at birth was Miles Gilbert  - named after his Grandfather. His mother always liked the name "Tim", and that's what she called the next time you want to grab a "Timmies" to start your day off right, just could have me a "Milesy" hmmmmm....(I ponder this as I cross-stitch! After all, this is a crafty blog ya know. ;)  )

1 comment:

  1. lol...yeah, let's got to Miles doesn't have the same ring! It could be Smiles though....
